Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Michael TaLbot and the Holographic Universe

Michael Talbot is this late, White, gay, American physicist who's done a lot of fascinating work on holograms and how, perhaps, what we perceive to be reality is one giant hologram. When people say perception is reality, Talbot brings it to a whole other realm.

What is even more fascinating is that Talbot was drawn to this idea of a holographic universe because of his own experiences with psychic activity. On top of being psychic himself, his sisters were psychic as well. Even more interesting, is that he's drawn to things like telekinesis, stigmata, poltergeists and ESP because he is trying to uncover its practical applications on a day-to-day basis.

In any case, this interview is so incredibly intriguing. I shall post up audio clips of some of his workshops in the future, and for those interested in his book, I do have a pdf file I could send you if you so desire. You know where to find ze bobbLebot.

-=xoom zoom=-

Anyone who listens to these clips, I shall greatly like to discuss them and their practical applications to our understanding of reality. Totally blew my mind. Hope it blows yers, as well.

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