Sunday, August 3, 2008

AmiGo has Landed -- ::ga-DUNK!::


I've been trying the wordpress thing, but the audio upload was totally confounding me. I want to be able to work with all types of media - jpeg, video and audio.

So ze bobbLebot has decided to LanD on a New Caprica in hopes of feeling more at home in the new incarnation of this blog.

Looking back at past blog entries, I'm kinder embarrassed, but what can I say? When I'm excited, sometimes I don't take the time to correct grammar errors or to explain a weird concept more in depth. Hence I come off as a strange, hippy dippy "New Ager" thingamaBLOB.

Anyway, I saved what I thought were semi-interesting and reLocated them HYAR.

But since I'm coming off as such a hipadeebot, I might as well insert this audio clip on spirituality from The Naked Truth <-- DAMMIT! Wai do zey come up with such cheesy titles, WAI?! WAI????!

yeah, a bit dated, but it's something inneresting nonetheless if ur innerested in something beyond just religion and the questions that come after that.

Now listen:

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